


Sunday Nov 05, 2017

  Law and Liberty cannot co exist together at the same time , to say Love ( i;e liberty) under law  love under law under will is extremely ignorant ! true love is a sacrifice the law condemns all sacrifies of flesh ,liberty and equality cannot co exist ,law and grace cannot co exist ,i'm afraid you jacked off your ying yang for nothing  as long as lib­erty exists Inequality will exist ( the eternal conflict )

Sunday Nov 05, 2017

The final test of civilization of a people is the respect they have for law. LEWIS F. KORNS,Thoughts

Saturday Nov 04, 2017

Law is the highest form of human reason given by GodThe law is the public conscience.thomas hobbes Reason is the life of the law, nay the common lawis nothing else but reason.SIR EDWARD COKE, Institutes:Commentary upon Littleton ,you cannot have a need without first having a reason and youcannot have a reason without first having a need qote by Sonya Lott .

Saturday Nov 04, 2017

 " Law is the highest form of human reasoning there is " so when God's church say it is God that gives man ability to reason . Well let me tell you that God gives man the ability to reason through his laws this is why a Christians will must line up with Gods will ! man is Not a god ! Man can never become a god ! in the battle adainst the beast its not your "A" HE WANTS TO KICK " ITS YOUR DNA HE WANTS TO KICK

Saturday Nov 04, 2017

the bible says that if we speak evil against the law then you have spoken evil against human being ?how can this be ?because the definition tolaw is  human reasoning "KJV Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speak evil of his brother,and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge it is God that gives man the ability to reason !

Friday Nov 03, 2017

 Though THE bIblE SAYS my people perish for lack of knowledge , but it also says that Gods people perish because they forgot Gods Laws ... the very laws that give Gods people their uninalienable rights to keep their own humanity !!! Which was what Jesus died for unalienable means - incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another A NATURAL RIGHT TO LIFE  .  ..sadly most Christians percieve the fight to be human  as being " self righteous "

Friday Nov 03, 2017

 if a person is not under Gods grace then that person would be all the way under the law how can a person be all theway underthe law?  simple ..because the difinition to law is human reasoning ipray some Christians out there are getting some understanding right now  the law enforces rules but Politics are policies that lead and guide the law ,a Christians wordsand actions inspired by the holy spirit become policies that leadand guide the law so that lawc annot have dominion

Friday Nov 03, 2017

The Supreme laws of the land will never allow anything of the human flesh to be glorified , law is the highest form of human reasoning there is law will not allow the emotion of love to be glorified . Let this sink in for now  i'll write more  later . Do What thou Wilt is the whole of the law  Love under law  under will is a blasphemous uncool very ignorant phrase

Message to Johnny Depp

Friday Jun 23, 2017

Friday Jun 23, 2017

 You say you want to assassinate someone ?   Why don't you try me ?  I'd luv to put a pitchfork in your face Johnny Depp !
 the time to stand up to hateful people like you  is long over due
  Depp spelled backwards is "PEDO "pedofile

Friday Jun 23, 2017

When was the last time an actor assasinated another actor? oh yeah thats right  it was when Johnny Depp killed River Phoenix i listened to  talk radio reporting the day River Phoenix died  I look so forward to the day i can battle these liberal actors on the street .

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